Weronika Parfianowicz University of Warsaw
Weronika Parfianowicz, PhD. Works at Institute of Polish Culutre, University of Warsaw. Her research interests involve housing policies and dwelling culture, the history of modern Czech culture and Central European urban culture, as well as the idea of degrowth and ecosocialism. She’s an author of the book Europa Środkowa w tekstach i działaniach. Polskie i czeskie dyskusje (Central Europe in texts and actions. Polish and Czech discussions) (Warszawa 2016) and co-editor of books Awangarda/Underground. Idee, historie, praktyki w kulturze polskiej i czeskiej (Avant-garde/Underground. Ideas, histories, practices in Czech and Polish culture) (Kraków 2018). She is involved in popularizing knowledge about the climate and ecological crises. As a member of the “Workers Initiative” labor union, she is interested in how the ecological crisis affects workers. She’s a member of “Degrowth Poland”.